
Friday, January 15, 2010

January 2010

Wow , another year has gone and as we look back I see i've slacked off ... im going to try to be a little better on keeping my blog up... (i did mention it or did i promise my sister in well cant remember but i'll try...)  I am going to try this new app. On my phone so i can update easier. We'll see....

Let's start by by bringing in the year...

2010 we were in great company... we were at my parents , Grandpa Ren& Grandma Marilyn and the Guardado's joined us for dinner... had lot of food... games and just great conversation.

After, we fell asleep i mean passed out we woke up to go up to the snow with Ice's familia... my boys were excited... we played in the snowed.. and came home  boys tooke a bath and we headed to gridley for dinner and a lil' presentation Milton's family had put together(Jennifer put together) and celebrete Aiden's Birthday.. that was our NEW YEARS DAY....


Jennifer said...

Oh My Goodness are my eyes deceiving me or did Mayra just post a blog!!!! I am super happy, I will have something now for next years presentation.


The Fairbanks Clan said...

I have to agree with Jennifer, what a suprise to see an update on your blog. I thought I was bad:) Keep posting, its nice to keep up on what you guys are doing. Miss ya.